Complete Launch Package

Your courses and services are top-notch.

You’re out there changing the world in the way only you can, and your clients and customers are lined up around the block… 

at least, you know they would be if you ever got around to actually promoting yourself.

The big splashy launch you’ve been planning keeps getting pushed back… and back… and back…

You’ve barely got time to create new content, write your newsletter, and keep serving your existing clients – never mind pull together all the social media content and web design you know you need if you want to compete with the big names in your industry.

 And I know you already know… the secret to launching in style isn’t actually a secret.

You need a team of people doing that stuff for you.


The only problem with that is… you don’t have time to pull a team together either.  First you have to find them… then make sure they’re the right fit… and then…

Someone has to tell them all what to do.

And when you’re an online entrepreneur, that “someone” is usually… well… you.

But what if it doesn’t have to be so overwhelming?

What if you could hire one person, tell them (me) what you’re launching, and all the “stuff” you need could just magically appear?

Game. Changer.

That’s where we come in.

So what do we mean by all the “stuff”?

Well, the “stuff” is all the collateral you need for a complete launch of a new course or service.

  • One Branded PDF of your focused freebie or lead magnet
  • Two Promotional Graphics for your focused freebie
  • One Focused Freebie Banner for social media
  • A Landing Page and Thank You Page for your focused freebie
  • A Sales Page and Thank You Page for your course or service
  • Two Promotional Graphics for your course or service
  • One “Cart Open” Banner for social media

It does not include tech setup, copy reviews, or marketing strategy. (For that you need a Fairy Godmother!)

Your Price:

$3600 $1900

(Monthly payment plan available)

This level of launch amazingness doesn’t happen overnight.

The Complete Launch Package takes approximately 12 weeks to complete.

Which means that you need to click that “BOOK NOW” button at least three months (preferably four) before you want to launch.

This gives us time to review your branding and existing content, make a plan for your launch collateral, and get it all done so you aren’t scrambling around the week before your cart opens, wondering why on earth you thought this whole “online business” thing was a good idea.

You’ve tried waiting until the last minute before.  It didn’t work.  Ask me how I know…

Let’s break down the details…


“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln

This phase is all about laying the foundation for a seamless working relationship!  Click the headers below to learn more about each step!

Support Planning Call and Launch Questionnaire

The first step is to click that big old “BOOK NOW” button and choose a time for your Support Planning Call.

The purpose of the Support Planning Call is to see if we’re a good fit for your team, and make sure we’re able to complete the work for you on your preferred timeline.

We do fill up, so starting this part of the process well in advance is a good idea – you can pay a deposit now to secure your spot, even if your launch is more than 3 months away.

Once you’ve booked your call, we’ll send you a questionnaire that will help us learn more about your offer and timeline.

Branding and Marketing Background work

If we decide to work together, we’ll ask you to book a time for a deep dive Strategy Call, and send over a Branding and Marketing Background workbook for you to fill out with all the information we’re going to need to help you plan out your launch collateral.

Welcome Email, Deposit, and Contract

When we decide to work together, we’ll send you your deposit invoice, contract, and a detailed Welcome Email that outlines exactly how we’re going to work together.  

If you’ve never worked with a designer before (or if you’ve had bad experiences in the past), this will help set up what the expectations are and how we can best communicate with each other to make sure everything runs seamlessly!

If you have questions about how things work, or want to clarify anything about the timeline, this is a great time to ask!


During phase one, we nail down the overall vision for the design and schedule out the execution of all your content. 

Click the headers below for more information about each step!

Planning and Strategy

During your Deep Dive Strategy Call, we’ll review your Branding and Marketing Background workbook together, and fill in any gaps.

We’ll discuss all the required collateral and come up with a plan for your Focused Freebie and all your graphics and pages.

We’ll discuss deadlines and due dates for each stage of the process, how revisions work, and what I need from you at what points in order to keep things moving.

Creative Concepts and Rough Drafts

We’ll mock up rough concepts for your pages and graphics.

This process helps us make sure we’re all on the same page with your branding and the desired “look” for your content.

We’ll require sign-off on the approved concepts before moving on to Phase Two.


While we’re tinkering with design concepts behind the scenes, you’ll be writing the bulk of your content for your sales page, landing page, thank-you pages, focused freebie, and social media graphics. 

We’ll share suggestions for formatting and layout, and help with tweaking your copy to get it sounding fabulous.

If you work with a copywriter, we’ll collaborate directly with them as needed to make sure we get what we need and they get to stick to what they do best.


This phase is all about content creation.

Click the headers below for more details about each step.

Web Design

The first thing we usually tackle is your main sales page.

Figuring out the design details for this longer page will naturally inform the rest of your web design and graphics.

During this phase we’ll send you proposed page(s) for review and comments.

You’ll be given time to carefully review and provide detailed feedback during two rounds of revisions, while we make tweaks and changes to get it just right.

Once the sales page is approved, we’ll move on to landing and thank-you pages, using a similar process.

Graphic Design

Once we have the web design squared away, we’ll move on to social media graphics.

First we’ll send you proposed graphics to review and approve, and then you’ll provide your feedback in two rounds of revisions so you end up with graphics you looooove and are proud and excited to share.

Standard graphics include banners and promotional images for your freebie (that can be used for paid ads or posted directly to your feeds), and “Coming Soon”, “Cart Open”, “Cart Closing”, and “Cart Closed” banners and images for your main paid offer.

If your product(s) are evergreen without a cart open/closed period, we’re happy to provide seasonal graphics or other variations instead.


Wrapping it all up!

Click the headers below to learn more about each step.

Final Approval

Once everything is completed, we’ve done all the revisions and it’s getting closer to launch time, we’ll have one final call to review the full package and make sure you’re happy with the end product.

At this point you’ll have one last chance to request tweaks and changes to the content we’ve created together.

Once we’re all satisfied, we’ll ask for final sign-off.  

Content Delivery and Ongoing Support

After final sign-off, we’ll take a week to package up and deliver your collateral.

This includes file management, cleaning up and organizing your new pages on the back end of your site, exporting and packaging graphics at the correct sizes for your social media platforms, transferring ownership of files, and just generally leaving things shipshape so you and your team can find everything easily going forward.

We’ll also give you a tour of your files, and make sure you know how to update and make tweaks to your pages as needed.

If you need ongoing support and maintenance help, we’ll chat with you about your options to keep us onboard.


Finally, we’ll toast you and your launch, and wish you soooo much luck as you start using all your new content!

All this, for just:

$3600 $1900

(Monthly payment plan available)

Need more than what’s outlined above?  Not sure how to put it all together so the tech works and everything happens when its supposed to?? 

You may need a Fairy Godmother instead!

With my 6-month on-demand service you get any and all of the above – customized to your specific business and audience – plus tech setup, weekly strategy calls, and unlimited email support!